Welcome to Skull Valley, AZ
Skull Valley Fire Department
The Skull Valley Volunteer Fire Department, commonly referred to as Fire Team Four, was organized in June 1988. Construction began May 1996 and was completed July 2000 and was funded by a $45,000 grant from the Northern Arizona Council of Governments plus $20,000 worth of donated labor. It has three fire trucks, one ambulance, and fifteen volunteers, three of whom are emergency medical technicians. The first fire chief was Chuck Northcutt and the current fire chief is Willy Pleitgen. Contact Fire Team Four at (928) 442-3487 or svfireteam4@gmail.com.
Become Wildfire Aware
Protect your home from wildfire. Remove leaves and pine needles from your roof, gutters & deck. If fire danger is high, move items that will burn like wood piles, lawn chairs & grills away from your home. http://www.firewise.org/wildfire-preparedness.aspx
Know before you go. Current fire information and restrictions: wildlandfire.AZ.gov or call 1-877-864-6985
Ready, Set, Go: wildlandfirersg.org
The American Red: http://arcbrcr.org/#SITE
Controlled Burns
The Department greatly appreciates being notified of controlled burns! This prevents us from responding to unnecessary 911 calls, and keeps the team available to cover real emergencies. If you are planning to burn,please call the Department at 442-3487 and let us know about the burn. Our guideline is to keep your burn to 10 X 10 feet (about the size of a pickup bed). Also, please submit an application for an Open Burning permit with the AZ Dept. of Environmental Quality.